Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Since the late 1990's, the world has seen military planes streaking our skies as if we were corn fields in the process of being dusted.  Many speculations have been made due to the militaries refusal to comment on its actions. Independent scientists have made claims to soil and water samples, containing such toxins as aluminum, barium and strontium. Conspiracy theorists say it is population control, sterile contaminates inhaled to reduce sperm in males, ect... Here is one claim amongst the many that you should consider valid. http://www.naturalnews.com/041201_chemtrails_nanoparticles_degenerative_disease.html#ixzz2Z96Ep0P0

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Geo-engeneering, your cellphone, and things to come.

Newest studies done on cells, wireless, ect...and the connection to those funny tic-tac-toe boards those military planes keep drawing in our skies. Hmmm, want to know, we will see.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Dean's Natural Food Market sets an example for the east."

Dean's Natural Food Market moves toward, NON-GMO!

and the great thing is that I work there.

No More GMOs.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
And that is what we are going to do. We are taking a big step, an aggressive step, one that not too many stores are willing to take. We’re not waiting anymore for GMO labeling laws.
Avoidance of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms): While we do not claim to be GMO-free, we are taking decisive steps to move in that direction. Going forward, we will not accept any new Grocery item containing the top 5 most high-risk GMO crops (corn, soy, canola, sugar beets, alfalfa) into our stores unless they are organic and/or verified by the Non-GMO Project. This includes products containing ingredients such as fructose that are produced using corn or soy.
We strongly encourage any manufacturer that is making a GMO-free claim to have that claim certified by the Non-GMO Project. This service will benefit both the consumer and the manufacturer.
Yes, it’s true. We are not bringing any more grocery products into our stores containing corn, soy, alfalfa, sugar beets or canola unless they are organic and/or Non-GMO Project Verified. Period. It’s not going to be easy, but we are 100% committed. We’re going to be scrutinizing ingredients like crazy, looking for all those hidden sources of the High-risk 5. Corn starch? Sorry, can’t bring it in. Soy lecithin in those cookies, not organic or Non-GMO Project Verified? Sorry, can’t bring it in. This is the level of commitment we are going to bring to make sure that moving forward, we will provide the safest food choices for you and your family.Revised-Seal
You may have a few questions about our non-GMO policy, so we’ve prepared a little FAQ.
You’re not taking in any new items containing GMOs, what about everything else in the store? Aren’t you knowingly selling us GMOs?
Few if any stores in the US and Canada are truly GMO free. We’re not there yet, but we are working hard to move in that direction. Going forward we will do our best to limit any products that contain GMOs and continue to find suitable organic/non-GMO replacements for items containing GMOs.
You can help us do this by choosing Non-GMO Project Verified and Organic products when you shop, and encouraging friends and family to do the same. Look for the seal, check the Non-GMO Project’s iPhone app or product search page, or ask a staff-person for help.
What about other departments, such as Produce and Fresh Foods?
We have no GM produce, as all the produce we sell is organic. This same produce is what we use in our Fresh Foods department. We have taken great care to ensure that almost all ingredients in our kitchens are organic or Non-GMO Project Verified; we still continually seek out replacements for products which do not meet those standards.
If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us at info AT deansnaturalfoodmarket DOT com.
We would like to give a HUGE Thank You to the Non-GMO Project for their collaboration! Please visit them at http://www.nongmoproject.org for more info.http://www.deansnaturalfoodmarket.com/

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It is now 2013, and I ask myself, am I where I want to be in life? I feel I am, maybe just a bit of fine tuning if you will, but nothing drastic in the way of change popped into my head when I asked myself this question. This video and speech by Alan Watts was sent to me by a friend, I just thought to share it for those who may find inspiration in it. He was a critical thinker, and one of the greatest intellectuals, enjoy.